Day 145 - May 25, 2010

>> Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"I'm sure you're much nicer than you look!" - Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter

I will try to live this whole day without judging people by their covers. I will not assume that a grumpy face equals a grumpy person.

In Wal*Mart today.. There was this lady who, judging by her cover, was a perfectly nice lady. BUT SHE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED IN WAL*MART. I think common courtesy is just something you should have while you shop in a place where tons of other people are shopping. She would take forever (always right in front of where my mom wanted to be looking) and just leave her cart a few feet away so that both her cart and her self were in our way. AND WE KEPT SEEING HER! It was ridiculous.

We also watched an interview with Jesse James, who cheated on Sandra Bullock. And after watching that, we thought he was a pretty nice (slightly troubled, though) guy. So if we had judged him by his cover (which was actually mentioned in the interview), we may not have felt the same. We kept an open mind. He seems pretty nice.

I do judge books by their cover, though. You can't blame me, though; I'd like to design book jackets for a living. So I kinda have to. I think I might do some reading before bed; a book I checked out almost solely based on its cover (it's hot pink!). Goodnight!


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