Day 114 - April 24, 2010

>> Sunday, April 25, 2010

He said practicing every day was more important than how long I practiced. - Playing Dad's Song by D. Dina Friedman

If I wait too long to lift my dream, I may find that it's too heavy. But if I start now, day by day, every day, someday people may marvel at how much I can carry.

Since I've just gotten back to MaWa from hanging out with Rabbit and Matt.. I'm currently thinking that my dream should be a better relationship between Delta Pi and Theta Chi. Until I talked to him tonight, I didn't really understand that our relationship is not the way it should be. My big has been telling me that I need to love the boys, and hang out with the boys, and I was told the same thing tonight.

I think the reason I didn't notice so much is because I do try to love the boys and hang out with them. I totally love my brothers; they are some of my favorite people in the world, and I think just as highly of them as I do of my sisters. They're crazy important to me and I really don't know what I would do without them.

So I guess my dream for today's quote is that Delta Pi and Theta Chi get to be a total dream team (Jay-Z and Beyonce, Tessa and Daniel, Delta Pi and Theta Chi). By the way, it's for some reason really hard for me to spell the word Theta. It takes a lot of mental effort. Anyway.

I'll go ahead to bed and dream about the dream. Goodnight, brothers and sisters! (And everyone else, too)


ABC April 28, 2010 at 12:15 PM  

The DOP/OXE relationship had some major ups and downs while I was active, but let me tell you, I still love those boys something fierce! I hope you all will continue to enjoy an ever-strengthening bond together! The two groups are a total dream team, just like Tessa and Daniel :)

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