Day 116 - April 26, 2010

>> Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The whooping cranes take off like feathered spears. Once more to northern nesting grounds they go. May it always be so. - Song for the Whooping Crane by Eileen Spinelli and Elsa Warnick

I may never see a whooping crane, but in some small way it's nice to know that as the elements of my life come and go, tumble and change, I can always count on that big white bird heading north year after year after year. May it always be so.

So basically there are some things that never change. Constants that you can look to, like the changing seasons, migrations, sunrise and sunset, God's love (if you believe in that, which, I do).

When everything else seems to be going crazy, you should be able to look to those things and chill out, because some things never change, in a good way.

Since the sunrise is something that always happens, and since the sunrise brings an 8am (my last of the semester!), I will acknowledge another constant - sleep.


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