Day 65 - March 6, 2010

>> Sunday, March 7, 2010

Never laugh at anyone's religion, because whether you take it seriously or not, they do. - The Long Secret by Louise Fitzhugh

Whether or not I believe in God - whether I go by the name of Christian or Jew or Muslim or whatever - I will grant everyone else the respect that I expect them to show me.

I have laughed at someone's religion; namely, (only I'm not naming any denomination) one concerning a puppet show that was slightly strange. But I don't do it to anyone's face. I'm not going to make judgments/laugh about something that I don't do/understand to the people who do whatever it is that I find strange. I'd probably want to know about it, anyway. (Not having an example makes my generally vague statements even worse. Sorry about that.)

I also don't want anyone to do the same with me. I want to go to church; I like going to church. Mostly when I'm at home. So it's nice when I can do that.

I don't really think I have anything else to say about this, so. I'll go to bed so I can be bright-eyed for church tomorrow. Night!


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