Day 68 - March 9, 2010

>> Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"It wasn't long after that when television antennas started to sprout from the rooftops like weeds in the springtime. And the more they grew, the fewer boys and girls came out to listen to my stories." - Kamishibai Man by Allen Say

When I'm not plopped in front of a computer or video game, am I plopped in front of a TV? Have I been duped into thinking TV is the only way to admit stories into my life? What other forms of storytelling am I missing just because I refuse to click the Off button on the TV remote? ... Click.

I don't watch TV. Just sayin'. I never watch it at school, only when I'm home. Today, instead of watching TV, I went to church, went shopping with my mom and sister, cleaned my room, and had friends over. So that was pretty good. And I'm sitting in front of the TV now, but it's off.

I'm frustrated. Very much so.

Wish I could control the weather.

Not the weather. People. Don't know why I said weather. I'd like to be able to control people. Not in an evil way. Just so I could not be so frustrated.

I think I need to go to bed, soon. There's no TV in the bedroom!


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