Day 75 - March 16, 2010

>> Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sometimes a person needs a quiet place. - A Quiet Place by Douglas Wood

Yesterday, and the day before, I think my whisper voice tried to reach me. But I did not hear. Today I will get myself to a quiet place, and I will listen. Today I will hear.

I live by myself. (Yes, technically, I still live at home. But for the majority of my time right now, I live at school, with no roommate. So I say that I live by myself.) So my quiet place exists whenever I want it to. Like right now. It's pretty quiet. I can hear the heater/air conditioner thing. And myself typing. And AIM whenever Jimmy sends me a message.

I ate dinner by myself, at least for a little bit. Until I was assaulted by brothers and sisters :)
I wasn't really attempting to be as awkward as I was; I was actually trying to avoid it, seeing no room at the table and not wanting to make people scoot over so I could pull up a chair, etc. etc.. And it turns out, I'm awkward either way. Awesome.
But I'm glad they are awesome enough to come see me when I sit by myself. I did mention a blog that was going to be "Why I Love Will Garrison." There, that's reason #1. And all the reasons I can think of at 1:20am. Sorry! ;)

Oh, and Happy Birthday to my mommy! Who should stop reading my blogs now, thank you.
Shhhhhhh. Katie's going to sleep, now.


Kaylee March 17, 2010 at 9:41 AM  

There is always plenty of room at the dinner/lunch table. We love to make room for people.

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