Day 71 - March 12, 2010

>> Saturday, March 13, 2010

When people come up with new ideas, they have to have confidence in themselves to say, "I CAN DO IT!" - The Hero Book: Learning Lessons from the People You Admire by Ellen Sabin

If I get a new idea today - or any day - I won't run from it. I won't trash it. If it's something I really want to do - I'll do it. (Who knows, maybe it will lead to a parade someday.)

Yeah, I bet it's important to talk in all capital letters when you think of something new.

My new ideas today? I'm sick. I can't breathe. And .. something else I learned from Greg and Liz.

However. Something I really want to do that I should do? Maybe I can fix something with that. I'll let you know. Or I might not. We'll see.

This medicine is (thankfully) making me drowsy, so I'm going to go to bed, and hope for a parade.


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