Day 79 - March 20, 2010
>> Sunday, March 21, 2010
"I...err," I say. "I mean...ummm...yeah." - The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things by Carolyn Macker
If it's possible, just for fun, I'll record some conversation between me and my friends. Then I'll transcribe five or ten minutes' worth. I'm curious to see how much sense it will make and what I might learn about communicating better.
My conversations are not so ridiculous that they can't be understood. I didn't record any, but I did watch a video Katherine made for me, where she talked to me. So I listened to that. And we type conversations all the time, so we know what we're saying.
Today was very much fun!
I got to sleep in, have omelettes (mmmm.. I'm verrrrrry hungry), go to an awesome baseball game, take a nap, go to the play, and then go out with my sisters! We had a lot of fun dancing and such. Delta Pis are pretty freakin' awesome, just sayin'. But I think everyone knew that already. :)
Now I have to communicate that it's time for bed. Since it's .. 4am. Night!
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