Day 70 - March 11, 2010

>> Friday, March 12, 2010

Spoon was afraid of losing what little was left of her - his memories. He was afraid of forgetting her. - Sun & Spoon by Kevin Henkes

Could I ever forget any member of my family? Of course not. But why don't I show my affection for them in a touchable way, right now? Why don't I collect from each of them a little, living keepsake and put them in a special place in my room? Someday I'll be glad I did.

I think that's stupid and I'm electing to not do it. Plus, I'm sure I have those. Or couldn't get them, because everyone related to me lives so far away.

I feel like.. crap. Basically.

"Can I just say, I think you're kinda awesome. And I'm kinda awesome. And if we put that together, it would be like.. twice the awesome."

"I don't know."

Yeah, well. I do. So. Figure it out, stupid. You don't have unlimited time. I have to leave. There are people there that could change things. It's not an Elliot Yamin song. Even though I sometimes feel like it is.

Also (and this one's directed more at myself), don't do stupid things. Jeez. Like.. really, Katie. That level of idiocy was totally uncalled for.

Yes, I'm being extremely vague. I know it. I don't really care at this point. Because basically, I'm living a Lady Antebellum song right now. Since it's just about 1:15am and all. I've also been explaining things with songs, but not by title, by artist. So I know what I'm talking about, but not everyone does. I used to always say, "That's a song, you know." Whenever anything reminded me of one. Which was all the time.

Now I'm rambling. Probably because it's past one. So since I need to be up early tomorrow, I should sleep.

I don't have any trouble remembering you. So remember me, and that I need thoughts from you. Helpful ones. Goodnight.


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