Day 13 - January 13, 2010

>> Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Look. Somebody's going to be worried about you." - The Great Gilly Hopkins by Katherine Paterson

Sometimes my parents' constant worry about me feels more like a hassle than a gift, but even if I can't always see it their way, I'll respect them enough to let them know where I am and to come home on time.

Obviously, this doesn't apply in the same way as it would to someone who is still in the house for most of the time. Which I am not. But I could.. not be annoying when they call me, I suppose. Actually, a better way to put that would be, I could.. not get annoyed when they call me. Sometimes it's a piece of work to talk to your mother on the phone, let me tell you. When she runs out of things to say, she'll want to know what I had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

This blog is going to be shorter than usual for a few reasons. One, it's 1:10 and I have a meeting at 1:30. Two, I'm probably not going to get back (if I were to come back later and finish it) to the library today. Would you like to know why? Of course you would!

I have that meeting. I don't know how long it will take, but I don't really want to go. But I have to, because WHO signed up to be yearbook editor?! Oh yeah! ME. Idiot.
After the meeting, I have class at 4:30. (PHILLYYYYYYYYYYY)
In between, I hope to work out and shower, assuming I have time. (I'll be working out with the Pussycat Dolls, if anyone wondered. I know someone did.)
Then class gets out, and since pretty much everyone I know and love will be in that class with me (we're all going to go to Philly together, YAY!), we'll probably all go to dinner, and then to the basketball game.
THEN at 10pm there is a movie in The Hut, and it is The Princess Bride, so I will obviously be going to that.

So you can see how there isn't much time.

I didn't say much about today's task. It's something you work on, I think. My mommy's coming to see me on Sunday. (I say that because she's one of my parents.) You know what, though? I am already a pretty respectful daughter. I don't break any rules. I do what I'm supposed to. I'm basically a pretty good girl. So, I don't really feel like I have to do much with this.

Hey, who are you? Turn around, sir.

I see, don't listen to my thoughts.


Oh, you did.


Turn back around.

Anyway. Since it's 1:17, I'd better get back to the dorm and get stuff so it looks like I'm prepared for this meeting. LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER.



KapowKatherine January 13, 2010 at 6:50 PM  

lol listen to your mother? always :)

hows yearbook going?

Katie January 14, 2010 at 7:09 PM  

not well. we missed our deadline. and people are quitting without telling us.

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