Day 26 - January 26, 2010

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

For me, reading books and writing them are tied together. The words of other writers teach me and refresh me and inspire me. - The Moon and I by Betsy Byars

I hate it: the dreaded Writer's Block. Brain Constipation. Next time it hits me, I'll be smart. I'll seek help. I'll remember that writing's sibling is reading. Right over there is a book I've enjoyed before. I'll reach for it...

I got to Calculus early today, and luckily, I had a book with me. Actually, one I've enjoyed before. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. To be exact.

And Josh, yes, I probably am.

So I did today's task before 8am, even! Great work, Katie.

I don't really have the time set aside to write the blog, today, (my day today and tomorrow are scheduled down to the minute, basically) and I know I'm already going to neglect some homework type things that I should do.

Nothing really of interest happened today, so I'll just break it down: Calculus, breakfast (including freakout, not by me), slight loneliness, lunch, art, art (yes, twice), dinner, ZUMBA, endorphins, maturity, silver lining, scheduling, procrastinating (NOT on the schedule!!), and hopefully soon, sleeping.

So goodnight, all. Go read something.


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