Day 14 - January 14, 2010
>> Thursday, January 14, 2010
"Silence can be a good thing, you know, partly because it helps one to listen." - Clair de Lune by Cassandra Golds
Today I will enrich my life: I will shut my mouth. I will make no noise. I will pursue silence. I will...listen.
Okay, so I spoke today. Obviously. I had intentions of not, but when I get to the cafeteria for breakfast and they need to know what I want to eat, it's a little hard to not talk.
I didn't talk as much, today, though. And I definitely made an attempt to listen more, since I thought that was the important part of today.
And I don't know if it was because I was listening harder, but it seemed like more people talked to me today than usual. People that don't usually talk to me, that is.
I will tell you about my day, now. Because it's been interesting. I've just exaggerated, I think.
At 4:44am I woke up. Yes, that is a ridiculous time to wake up. Would you care to know why I woke up then? Okay. Saddam Hussein was trying to kill me, so I was scared for my life, and I had to force myself to wake up. It was really terrible, actually. I couldn't escape him, and I couldn't save anyone else, even though I tried. He even followed me into outer space. On the same shuttle! It was legit really scary. I wanted to crawl into Jack's bed. But I didn't.
I got back to sleep and successfully didn't dream about him anymore. That was good.
Then I got up to go to breakfast, and since I was being somewhat sil
ent, I didn't sit with anyone, so I didn't talk. After breakfast I went back to sleep until lunch.
Then it was time forrrrrr... DRAWING CLASS. Which was actually okay. Goolsby knows Brian and me so well that he put our easels next to each other AND gave us the same cubby :)
We drew a still life for an hour or so and then had a lecture. Before the lecture, as we were finishing our still lifes, (still lives?) I .. can't tell you. Wow. Thought I could, but I just can't type it. I'll send it to PostSecret.
Anyway. Then I went to Web Design, which also got better. I have 2 pages of a website now, haha. It's, if you were wondering. I know you were. It's obviously not very amazing at the moment, but I've got some ideas.
We all went to dinner together and then Brian and I came to the Mac lab, which is where I am right now. We made brilliant use of the scanner. It was SO much fun!

Oh, and while here, I read Katherine's blog. My comment to it was, "i hate you." But that's not really true, because I don't. I'm just jealous of the fun you always seem to be having. Boys inviting you to parties, etc. etc.. I am amazed that she is talking to me right now instead of out doing something fabulous. Although I suppose, since it's only 8:10.. I clearly don't even know when people are supposed to be out doing fabulous things.
I really should go back to MaWa and read for tomorrow. Maybe I can show up my Foundations teacher, who seems to not like me after only 2 days of class. She will like me, and she will be nice to me. It's settled.
So goodnight, everyone. And remember: SHHHHHHHH!
awwww I wish you could come to the parties I go to!
I wanna go to parties tooooooo!
ME TOO. it's raining in the room next to me. but i wasn't invited. i even asked. and was told no.
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