Day 20 - January 20, 2010
>> Thursday, January 21, 2010
"This hawk was hit by a car, and its wing was injured," said Hannah. "The driver brought him here." - In Good Hands: Behind the Scenes at a Center for Orphaned and Injured Birds
Accidents happen to everybody. What matters is how I respond. I will not be a hit-and-runner; I'll be a hit-and-helper.
What sucks about this is that I'm pretty sure I (just spelled sure, "shure") did something to accomplish this today. I really remember noticing it and thinking, oh, I can write about this.
But I don't know what it was!
This is extremely bothersome. I'll go through my day and see if anything strikes me.
I went to breakfast at a ridiculous hour.. Ate with Jennie and Marisa.. Then went to Calculus, where I learned almost nothing.. Continued on to Foundations, which wasn't as bad as usual. That might have been where I did something.
We were put into groups to discuss questions about creation stories. I talked, even. The people in my group were cool, I felt like I had guy friends. Maybe that was it. I felt like I responded well to the "accident" of being put into a group, which I don't always like. Because I talked to them, tried to contribute, and even NO. THAT'S NOT WHAT IT WAS.
Today I called Apple. I talked to a nice man named Roderick. I was having problems, obviously, but I was quite cheerful and probably made this guy's day. He sort of made mine, too. :) I think it was because I told him I was doing fantastic today, so I had to be fantastic. Which he told me I was, in the follow-up email. It/he was quite nice. Except I called him Roger. I hope he didn't notice.
Even though he was the one helping me, I think I did a hit-and-help instead of a hit-and-run, because I think I helped brighten his day!
Yesterday I mentioned a lot of work that had to be done today, and I have not finished it all. I'm going to give up sleeping in tomorrow in favor of more artwork.
So I should go to bed and get some sleep! Respond to accidents well, guys! They don't just happen on the highway.
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