Home is more than just the place we return to after being away. - Home: A Journey through America - paintings by Thomas Locker, compiled and edited by Candace Christiansen
Today I will list five things I love about my home, things that I would miss if I were away.
My goodness, that's easy. I am definitely away. Here we go:
- Lilo
- Mommy and Daddy and sissy
- Mommy's food
- The basement
- My friends
- Checking the mail
- Having everyone close by
- Other relatives that live close - Aunt Shelley, etc.
- Christ and Grace Episcopal Church
- My house!
Okay, I obviously listed twice the amount I was told to. Because I
am away, so I know what I miss, I guess. I would have put - having my own room. But I have that here now, too. As soon as
somebody comes to get the rest of her stuff. Hint, hint.
So today was Rush Dinner #2. Kappa Phi Alpha. Wait, I'll back up. Because I don't think I talked about this yesterday.
Yesterday was Rush Dinner #1. Delta Omicron Pi. The theme was Mafia. I wore Brian's blazer and tie, and came with some scantily clad women, so it was like I was a huge pimp, haha. It was fun! I felt like I talked to a good number of the girls, and despite (or maybe because of) the fact that I nearly cried, I really felt like that's where I want to be. I'm ultra worried that I won't get a bid.. Because I really want one. All those girls are amazing. I would love to be that amazing. But I don't know if it went well. I'm nervous. I don't even find out until next Friday. 9 days. There's a countdown in my phone now.
Anyway. Today was Rush Dinner #2. Kappa Phi Alpha. (Deja vu??) The theme was 90's TV shows. I went as Trixie from Speed Racer. I've got the hair; why not work with what I've got? Haha. It was nice; the girls were nice. The ones who talked to us, anyway. It seemed more about them than it was about getting to know us. Which was fine. But I didn't really know very many of them to start with, and I don't think I know many more than I started out knowing. Which is also okay. But I could tell that it wasn't the right fit for me either way. They all seemed nice, but it just wasn't right. They mentioned a lot that you would know when it was right, and I could tell there that it wasn't.
I guess I'll go to bed now, in my bed away from bed; room away from room; home away from home. Goodnight!