Day 34 - February 3, 2010
>> Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Home is more than just the place we return to after being away. - Home: A Journey through America - paintings by Thomas Locker, compiled and edited by Candace Christiansen
Today I will list five things I love about my home, things that I would miss if I were away.
My goodness, that's easy. I am definitely away. Here we go:
- Lilo
- Mommy and Daddy and sissy
- Mommy's food
- The basement
- My friends
- Checking the mail
- Having everyone close by
- Other relatives that live close - Aunt Shelley, etc.
- Christ and Grace Episcopal Church
- My house!
So today was Rush Dinner #2. Kappa Phi Alpha. Wait, I'll back up. Because I don't think I talked about this yesterday.
Yesterday was Rush Dinner #1. Delta Omicron Pi. The theme was Mafia. I wore Brian's blazer and tie, and came with some scantily clad women, so it was like I was a huge pimp, haha. It was fun! I felt like I talked to a good number of the girls, and despite (or maybe because of) the fact that I nearly cried, I really felt like that's where I want to be. I'm ultra worried that I won't get a bid.. Because I really want one. All those girls are amazing. I would love to be that amazing. But I don't know if it went well. I'm nervous. I don't even find out until next Friday. 9 days. There's a countdown in my phone now.
Anyway. Today was Rush Dinner #2. Kappa Phi Alpha. (Deja vu??) The theme was 90's TV shows. I went as Trixie from Speed Racer. I've got the hair; why not work with what I've got? Haha. It was nice; the girls were nice. The ones who talked to us, anyway. It seemed more about them than it was about getting to know us. Which was fine. But I didn't really know very many of them to start with, and I don't think I know many more than I started out knowing. Which is also okay. But I could tell that it wasn't the right fit for me either way. They all seemed nice, but it just wasn't right. They mentioned a lot that you would know when it was right, and I could tell there that it wasn't.
I guess I'll go to bed now, in my bed away from bed; room away from room; home away from home. Goodnight!
Home, at least for me, is overrated haha
You know what, James? For some people it's not.
Haha, if everyone was home then it probably wouldn't be for me either. By the way, did you notice I had to make a new profile for this? I forgot the info to my old one haha
I did not notice :)
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