Day 56 - February 25, 2010
>> Thursday, February 25, 2010
She had eyes in the back of her heart. - A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck
As I am being watched by unseen eyes, I am reminded that I, too, have unseen eyes, eyes that can see the pain behind a smile, the fear in bravado, the affection in a criticism. Today I will open all of my eyes.
So.. I don't really know what to make of this one. Even if my eyes are open, which I'm pretty sure they are, that doesn't mean I act accordingly. But.. I don't know.
Today has probably been the best day of the week so far. It wasn't even that good. The rest of the week has been worse, though. I got to sleep much more than I had any other day this week, I got to eat breakfast. Then I did some errands and went to work yearbook pictures, which, with the addition of temporary coworker Tony, actually went by pretty fast. I talked to.. Someone I've wanted to talk to for a while. That was actually one of my goals for yesterday/today, and today I did it, pretty much by accident. So maybe we'll talk again. Then in Drawing, where, knowing what we were going to do, I thought I would have a terrible time, I was surprised by the fact that I actually didn't do terribly. I actually thought I did pretty well. I probably failed a Web Design quiz, but that was the only low point. I had dinner with my friends, and then went to Byars to design flyers for other friends. Which went well. I pretty much love it when I'm creative enough to make something look good. I think they looked good, anyway. Then I had my first ΔΟΠ meeting. And now I'm here.
My eyes are open, I think. All kinds. But soon the normal seeing ones are going to close. So goodnight.
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