Day 38 - February 7, 2010

>> Monday, February 8, 2010

Archimedes was a mathematician who lived in Greece around 250 B.C. One day, while taking a bath, he finally figured out a problem that had been troubling him for ages. - I Wonder Why Greeks Built Temples: and Other Questions About Ancient Greece by Fiona Macdonald

I'm pretty good at reading words, but can I "read" other things? Can I find answers to my questions in the ordinary trappings of my everyday life? I'll make a little game of it. I'll play Archimedes. I'll pick a question, then see if I can discover the answer... in the kitchen... or the backyard... or the bathtub...

Can I just say, first of all, I don't have a kitchen, backyard, or bathtub? Well, there's a kitchen down the hall. Campus for a backyard. And there is a really really gross bathtub that no one ever uses.

My question doesn't seem like it's going to be answered. I would love it if it were, though. I didn't even have it until earlier tonight. I can't even tell everybody what it is. But I can't answer it myself. Someone else has to answer it for me. It's funny how answering questions can give you more questions than you thought about to begin with.

Today was Rush Dinner #4. I'll talk about it later.

It was also the Super Bowl. We lost. But I guess I'm not really upset about it.

I wish I'd gone to church today.

My head is everywhere, clearly. Thoughts moving a mile a minute. I hate .. I don't know. Being such a girl? Mentally, that is. Anyway..

I'm going to do some more reading for class and then head to dreamland, where maybe, my questions will be answered.


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