Day 48 - February 17, 2010
>> Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Kindness comes with no price. - Tongues of Jade by Laurence Yep
I'll make sure February 17th lives up to its name. And it won't cost me a penny!
It's random acts of kindness day, apparently. Isn't that just wonderful? I'm not writing this blog in the best of moods; just a disclaimer for you there. Well, I'm not writing the beginning of this blog in the best of moods. Perhaps something will happen tonight that will change my mind. But I don't know, because I don't know anything! I know, I'm not supposed to know anything until it happens. But that stinks. I hate not knowing what's going to happen. I'm just in a really bad mood right now. I feel like I can't do anything, even though I have so much to do. It's stupid.
I just want to go to sleep, and sleep for hours and hours and hours.
Random acts of kindness? No, I don't think I did any. Aren't I nice most of the time? Why does there need to be a special day for it? People should just be nice. I think I was nice today. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary that was super nice, but I wasn't mean. So I think that's good enough.
Today is Letter Swap Day, which makes me really happy! I am quite proud to be wearing the letters of our brothers. Very very proud. They are wonderful boys.
I've decided to talk to a stranger. However, the strangers are currently either stupid, disconnect right away, or tell me to study. Which is stupid, because I don't want to study/have nothing due tomorrow to study. Yeah, talking to strangers was a bad plan. They only make me more angry.
Hours later. I'm not upset anymore. I'm not angry. I'm not in a bad mood. Actually, quite the opposite. I am doing wonderfully. Tonight did turn out to be a good night; I guess the Black Eyed Peas sorta know what they're talking about.
I have a big brother now :) - the amazing Stephen Rainey.
Thinking about it, I never said who my big sister is, so! She is the lovely Jess Klick :)
I'm very happy about both my big brother and my big sister. They are wonderful, I can tell.
Tonight was good. I'm very nervous/worried/terrified about tomorrow.. But I'm thinking I will probably make it through whatever we do. Everybody's got my back; I've got my pledge sister, my new sisters, and my new brothers. If they think I can do it, then I'm sure I can.
Be nice to everyone: brothers, sisters, friends, enemies. And goodnight :)
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