Day 37 - February 6, 2010

>> Sunday, February 7, 2010

"You'll know this for yourself, someday," Ellie said. "How forgiveness sets you free." - Tell Me Everything by Carolyn Coman

Is a hatred consuming me, diminishing me, paralyzing me? Is it squeezing me into a clot in a dark corner? Today I will let it go. I will come up from the darkness and stretch out in the sun, and I will walk tall again.

I'm not harboring any hatred. Some annoyance, yes. Or maybe a lot of annoyance, most of which involves my ex-roommate. Yeah, ex. Like we broke up and haven't returned one another's things. That's how it is, because currently, she is still using my room as her personal storage bin. Okay, yeah. That's me "harboring" some annoyance. It quite irks me. It's been suggested that I just throw out her things. But I'm not a mean person, so I can't, on good conscience, do that.

I'll work on it.

I did have a pretty darn good day, today.

I woke up at a reasonable hour, went to breakfast, and to the basketball game. Which was so much fun! I haven't been to games lately but I'd never seen people here get that excited about it. It seemed like everybody was there, and it was a gold-out so most of us matched. :) We did the wave! I don't think I've ever done the wave at a game. And we won! Take that, Hampden Sydney.

Then I had a girls' day out at the movies with Eryn, Sarah, Jenna, and Brianne. We went to see Dear John. It was good, but made me cry way too much. Stupid Nicholas Sparks, making me cry all the time.

Then I cleaned and organized my room, which is always fun!

Sarah and I tried to deliver some sorority RSVPs, but couldn't get into the other dorm. So we went to The Hut for a late dinner. Luckily, Brian and Thomas were there to entertain us! I got onstage and sat on a stool like a beat poet, entertained the boy working, and preached to my audience. It was quite a lot of merriment. I thought so, anyway. Thomas will probably read this and disagree vehemently. But it's okay, because we doubt his origins.

By the way, welcome, Thomas! :)

Last night I had a dream about someone where I read his blog.. It talked about how obsessed I was with him, even though he didn't really like me. So now in real life, I don't plan to talk to him unless he talks to me. Just in case it's true. Because I'm really not obsessed with him.

I think it is time to go to bed and cross something else off the list. I'll try to let go of .. things.


Anonymous February 7, 2010 at 1:34 AM  

Of course there was a lot of merriment! (as much as one can have in the midst of you closet unitarians) : )

Anonymous February 7, 2010 at 2:41 AM  

Thomas the Thomas I know or some new Thomas?

Katie February 7, 2010 at 11:33 AM  

What Thomas do you know? I think it's one that you don't know.

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